
Meet our 2019 summer marketing volunteer – Adam!

Adam standing with arms stretched out under the St. Louis ArchHello! My name is Adam, and I am a volunteer marketing intern for Connections to Success. In the fall, I will be a junior in college at Bradley University and will continue to pursue my Bachelors of Arts in graphic design with a minor in user experience design. 

All of the experience and love I have for design and art started back when I was a little kid drawing and doodling my way through pieces of paper. As time went on, I came to find a passion for art and a motivation to improve my artistic abilities so I could become better and eventually use it in my career. When I got to high school, my pursuit of fine art deviated a little bit and I wound up fascinated by technologically-involved art and creative projects. I started taking animation, web design, and video editing classes which, along with my graphic design classes, helped me gain more knowledge about what avenues I could take with technology. As I worked more on learning how to combine art and technology, I wound up finding a surge of interest in me to keep learning more about graphic design. This not only led me to find and work on more computer-based projects, but it also has allowed to obtain skills, such as working with clients and teammates and problem solving, that remain valuable to this day.

My experience, thus far, at Connections to Success has been exciting for me. I get to improve my design techniques, interact with all kinds of people, and get marketing experience, which goes hand-in-hand with graphic design. By working with the staff and Connections to Success I have been able to learn more about photo editing, brand guidelines, outreach and recruitment, and successful design along with so many other aspects. Currently, I am continuing to work on photo editing, creating graphics for our social media accounts while also making infographics that offer more insight into the organization. Overall, I am very excited to be interning here this summer while learning from the staff and getting more experience. By working with them, I can’t wait to see what knowledge I gain and what I will create coming out of this experience at the end of the summer.

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