
Wheels for Success – Car Donation July 2020

Gold minivan

Thanks to Kim Mantino-Sexton for supporting Wheels for Success!

Jan donating a vehicle at our St. Charles, MO office - with Brad Lambert, co-founder of Connections to Success

Jan donating a vehicle at our St. Charles, MO office – with Brad Lambert, co-founder of Connections to Success 

Reliable transportation can open powerful doors for those transitioning out of poverty, especially in areas where strong public transportation is lacking. Our Wheels for Success program accepts donated vehicles and passes them on to a Connections to Success participant. This summer we received two donations in the St. Louis Region, one through Kim Mantino-Sexton and one through Jan Schoemehl.


Learn what motivated Jan to get involved with Wheels for Success:


“During the unemployment and concern for inequities, there is a bigger need to contribute than ever before. We can donate to our church and local charities. We can bring food to local pantries. For everyone who has a job, we can take our 2020 stimulus check and donate it to a family in need. In our minds, it was still not enough!


We wanted to make a clear impact. There’s jobs in parts of the metro area which do not have routes of public transportation. There’s lots of jobs and employers whom cannot find enough employees. How do we connect the unemployed with the employers? People need a means of transportation, their own personal vehicle. The Wheels for Success program connects people in need with Wheels!


We are so happy to donate our Taurus to Wheels for Success. You can get pennies for a trade-in at the dealer. Selling a car yourself takes a lot of time. We were able to donate a car and potentially change someone’s life and the lives of their children. It’s a simple process. Brad Lambert has a very flexible program to work with donors.


Please consider donating your Wheels and let someone in need experience a new road to success!” – Jan


We’re thankful for these donations and the impact they will have for someone on the path to economic independence. If you’d like to learn more about Wheels for Success and how to donate a vehicle, we’d love to hear from you.



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