• Partners
    To break the cycle of generational poverty, we partner with an incredible group of corporations, nonprofits, community groups, government agencies, foundations and individuals.

Stronger Communities | Brighter Futures

To break the cycle of generational poverty, we partner with an incredible group of corporations, nonprofits, community groups, government agencies, foundations and individuals. Thanks to our partners, we can implement creative, evidence-based solutions to address the root causes of poverty and equip individuals with the tools to move toward economic independence.

Learn more below about partnership opportunities and our current partners or email us.

Corporate Partners

Community Partners

Government Partners

Foundation Partners

You can also partner with us to break the cycle of poverty by making a one-time or monthly donation.

Corporate Partners

We partner with businesses and corporations to support our shared communities, joining our resources to address complex problems. We build mutually beneficial relationships with our local and national partners that align with their expertise and goals in a way that adds value for all involved. Together we can accomplish more.


We offer multiple programs in the St. Louis and Kansas City regions. Please note that some programs are only offered at specific locations and times may vary.


Contact us to learn more or to partner with us.

Partnership Opportunities

  • Sponsorships

    • Tribute to Success: Annual luncheon and silent auction that brings together business and community leaders from diverse industries
      • Locations: Kansas City Area, St. Louis Region
    • Power Walk: Annual 5K run and walk in the St. Louis Region
    • Haute Night:  Annual KC event

    Program and General Sponsorships

    Sponsor a particular program, service location or campaign to support specific outcomes.

  • In-Kind Donations & MOXI Traveling Boutique Events

  • Third-Party Events and Shopping Experiences

Resources for Your Team

  • Workforce Development

    Help people utilize their skills and gain greater economic independence as a member of your workforce. We partner with corporations to cultivate mutually beneficial employment opportunities for talented, motivated individuals who have experienced challenges in their lives. We also work with employers to support the effectiveness of their entry-level staff members and the leaders who work with them.


  • Workshops and Trainings

    Equip your staff with tools and knowledge that will help them thrive professionally and personally. We lead engaging trainings on a range of topics for all staff levels, from entry-level employees to executive leaders. Learn more or schedule a training.


Our Corporate Partners

Contact us for more information about how you can partner with us!

Community Partners

We are grateful to the many community-based organizations and groups that offer their expertise, resources and support to help us break the cycle of poverty.

On a larger level, we have the opportunity to learn from other organizations working to reduce recidivism and foster community as a member of the Global Homeboy Network.

Contact us to learn more or to partner with us.

Partnership Opportunities

  • Professional Clothing for Your Participants/Community

    We can help you equip your participants with professional clothing through our Dress for Success programs & MOXI Traveling Boutiques.


  • Trainings and Support

    Equip your staff, participants or community members with tools and knowledge that will help them thrive professionally and personally. We can provide engaging trainings to your audience or train you to apply our evidence-based practices in a way that fits your context. Learn more.


  • Mutual Referrals & Events

    We collaborate with other organizations and groups to connect people with the services they need to succeed in work and life. We also partner with community groups to host service-oriented and fundraising events.


Community Support Opportunities

  • In-Kind Donations & MOXI Traveling Boutique Events

  • Third-Party Fundraising Events

Our Community Partners

Contact us for more information about how you can partner with us!

Government Partners

Government programs and funding sources support our ability to offer evidence-based services for people living in Illinois, Missouri and Kansas.

Contact us to learn more or to partner with us.

Our Government Partners

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Initiative
  • U.S. Department of Justice – Adult Mentoring Program
  • U.S. Department of Labor – Reentry Initiative
  • Missouri Department of Social Services – Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Initiative
  • Missouri Department of Corrections
  • Kansas Department of Children and Families – Fatherhood Initative
  • St. Charles County Community Assistance Board – Workforce Development Initiative
  • Boone County Children’s Fund- Youth Pathways to Success


Connections to Success is an approved Missouri Workforce Development Eligible Training Provider and qualifies for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds.

Foundation Partners

We appreciate the generous support of these foundations and their commitment to creating lasting positive change.


Contact us to learn more or to partner with us.

Our Foundation Partners

Everyone has unique gifts to offer their community.

Want to get involved? Contact us to donate or become a partner.

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