
Pressing toward goals during the COVID-19 crisis

Jerry smiling and holding a tablet with attached keyboardJerry completed Personal and Professional Development Training with us at the Kansas City Reentry Center in 2019. During the training, he and fellow participants built job search strategies, sharpened soft skills, and created goal-driven plans for their next steps upon release. He was also paired with one of our Life Transformation Coaches, Helen, who could provide ongoing one-on-one support and coaching.

This spring Jerry was released into a community facing a pandemic. Kansas City had issued a stay-at-home order in response to COVID-19, leading many businesses and local resources to temporarily close. Jerry quickly connected by phone with Helen, and they identified his most immediate needs, including clothes and groceries. He had housing through a transitional home but lacked access to transportation and had no job yet to earn income. We were able to get him started with clothing items from our men’s boutique, a hygiene pack and a bag of groceries.

Jerry was able to secure a cell phone with the limited funds he had and immediately set out to find employment. His biggest challenge was applying for jobs. He didn’t have a computer and library computer labs were closed. Not having computer access was proving to be a bigger barrier to employment than anticipated.

Thanks to grant funding from the Kansas City Regional COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, Jerry was able to receive a tablet so he could apply to jobs and connect with resources. Continuing to push forward, Jerry coordinated a ride with others at the transitional house so he could get his state ID and apply for a replacement social security card. He has access to the internet at the house and is now connected to job opportunities as the stay-at-home orders are being lifted and more employers are reopening. 

To support our alumni with their career goals, we have job coaches and job developers on staff to provide ongoing coaching. We also partner with local employers to learn about their workforce needs and help them connect with qualified candidates who have a network of support behind them. If you’re interested in partnering as an employer, let us know!

We’re thankful for all those providing immediate relief and supporting long-term recovery efforts in response to COVID-19. We especially recognize the impact of the Kansas City Regional COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, which was developed by the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, United Way of Greater Kansas CityLISC Greater Kansas City (Local Initiatives Support Corporation), and the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). Learn more about our COVID-19 response partners.

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