Kesha Kent is a City of St. Louis native, wife, and mother of three talented daughters who strive for higher education as well. She holds a bachelor’s degree in management and leadership and a master’s degree in organizational leadership, both from Judson University. Kesha has over 10 years of experience in human resources recruiting, staffing and building relationships and is currently studying for her Professional Human Resource (PHR) certificate.
Kesha now serves as Connection to Success’ Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator and helps oversee our Professional Women’s Group in the St. Louis area. She continually advocates for Connections to Success, sharing her journey and insights by speaking at area companies and organizations. Through speaking engagements and casual conversations, she shares about the resources that have helped her break the cycle of poverty for her family and supported other women in the community. You can join her every 3rd Saturday of the month at our Professional Women’s Group meetings in St. Louis!